Thursday, May 28, 2009

Polishing Your furniture

Most furniture delivered since around 2007 case goods (wood products )have a lacquer finish there are many sheen's from dead flat to high gloss but most around 70 to 75 percent as of 2009 comes with a finish sheen of dead flat (no shine) flat (minimal) and satin.Using furniture polish on these finishes intended for higher gloss finish applications will cause swirl marks and uneven high low shine making the finish look inconsistent.These items should only be cleaned using a damp cloth an a mild detergent if necessary or a product containing no wax such as Endust.Removing wax based polishes to return to the original sheen can be achieved by applying mineral spirits to the item and only mineral spirits.This will break down the wax and will not harm the finish or the veneer removing the swirl marks. After the mineral spirit application clean with a damp cloth and a mild detergent to remove the spirits residue and wipe dry do not buff these lower sheen finishes.Re- clean when necessary .


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